There's never enough time to art! You can spend time creating a portfolio piece, making a social media post, or coming up with an idea for your newsletter. Or you can do everything at once by giving your art more than just one life.
This great metaphor is stolen from Jake Parker in one of the 3 Point Perspective podcast. When you create a piece, consider giving it three lives. Here's an example:
Say your portfolio is lacking monochrome pieces. Create a piece that is monochrome, and post it to your website. Once the piece is done, post it to social media and write a short post about the importance of identifying and filling gaps in your portfolio. And then expand on your short post into a slightly longer post, including pictures, for your newsletter.
And BONUS: Before you start, think about how you can use it before it even exists. Make a social post of your current pieces, showing how colorful they are, and write a caption about how you love color, but that you'll be creating and posting a monochrome piece soon!
This single piece has now checked 4 boxes instead of 1!